SGB Leak Detection Equipment

Specialists in over and under pressure leak detection technology for single and double walled tanks. Founded in 1962, SGB invented the vacuum leak detection system for single skinned tanks. Today the German manufacturer has more than 40 different types of leak detectors with more than 100 variations.

SGB Leak Detection Systems aim to provide a leak-free and monitored environment. SGB measurement units use either pressure or vacuum monitoring technology for accurately testing double walled tanks and pipes whilst in service.

Each system gives a visual and audible alarm indication before any stored product can enter the environment and cause environmental pollution.

SGB systems are approved to prEN 13160 as Class 1 Leak Detection Systems and are approved as safe technology for the monitoring of:

Double walled tanks and double walled pipes on petrol stations.

Heating or Fuel Oil storage tanks fitted with double bottoms or fully double skinned.

Why Engineers choose SGB
  • Leak Detection Equipment for many applications including; petrol stations, tanks with linings, bulk storage tanks (flat bottom tanks) with double bottom,chemical plants, refineries, tank farms and oil drilling rigs.
  • Reliable Pressure and Vacuum leak detection
  • Test liquids from -55 C to +55 C
  • Safe in environments with specific chemically aggressive liquids or explosive environments.

Aboveground or underground tanks that bulk store any type of water polluting liquid. For example in tank farms, chemical plants or refineries.